Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On Comedy Death Ray, Why Zach Galifianakis Will Always Be the Best, and Kind of a Feminist Rant

We're all listening to Comedy Death Ray, right? I know I use the phrase "do yourself a favor" a lot, but REALLY, you will be DOING YOURSELF A FAVOR if you just start listening to this. It will be a source of pure joy for you. This week's episode is especially good because it stars (stars? I think I mean features but unfortunately I don't know what a backspace key is and I just have to keep going) Zach Galifianakis. Also, Andrew Lloyd Weber makes an appearance! Zach is so great because he always manages to come across as a very genuine human being. MOST IMPORTANTLY: Paul F. Tompkins (as ALW) makes a great Hangover zinger and everyone laughs. See? Zach Galifianakis also thinks that movie was sexist. You weren't the only one!
He also mentions briefly (without going into detail, because he is a classy gentleman) that he was frustrated with a movie he's currently working on. Some website thinks it's because of Mel Gibson. It makes me unreasonably happy that Zach Galifianakis is upset by this. I mean, okay, I enjoyed The Hangover...but almost completely because of Zach's part. It wasn't enough for the movie to be INSANELY sexist, it also had to have a cameo by a CONVICTED RAPIST. From Feministe:
"I believe that The Hangover is a special kind of awful, and here’s why: The Hangover doesn’t just contribute another small niblet of turd to the enormous pile of shit that is rape culture with its celebration of men’s narcissism, disregard for the basic humanity of women, slut-shaming, and joyful exaltation of the dudebro bond above any relationship with icky girls. No, The Hangover goes above and beyond. It includes a superfun cameo by an actual rapist."
You know what's embarrassing? When I saw this movie, I didn't even know Mike Tyson was a rapist. How could I not know that? Maybe because I live in a culture where rape is regarded as basically no big deal, where movies like this tell you that it's all some big joke. I used to just feel uneasy with the casual misogyny in this movie, but the fact that it's so casual is what makes it so terrible. Now it doesn't just makes me uneasy, it makes me feel sad and angry. What this movie says to women is: Your happiness doesn't matter, your opinion doesn't matter, you don't matter. And now they want us to laugh along with a guy that hit and threatened to kill his wife? Honestly, it's fucking sickening. There's no way I'm seeing this movie.

On a happier note? Zach's website. You're welcome.

The best.

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