Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Best Costume

Alex and I are pretty excited about Halloween. Mostly we're excited about our costumes (and seeing other people's costumes). One of us is going as a woodland creature, and one of us is going as the iconic titular character from a beloved 1980's cross dressing film. Basically, we're each being true to our personalities. Chase hasn't yet picked a costume and told me he just wants to get a fake mustache, which means he is also staying true to himself (trying to put in the least amount of time/effort possible). I bet he ends up going as a banana again. There's always money in the banana suit, you guys.
A lot of entertainment websites are doing "Best TV Halloween Costume" lists. Clearly, the list of Best TV Halloween Costumes begins and ends here, with Bill Haverchuck's Bionic Woman costume.

This is simultaneously my favorite (those costumes!) and least favorite (Lindsay reminds me WAY too much of myself in high school) episode of Freaks and Geeks.

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