Friday, August 7, 2009

Uh Oh.

I was all set to make a post about Charlyne Yi and how awesome she is. I used to not like her because I heard she was dating Michael Cera, and also for some reason I thought she was older than she is. Then I found out that she was 23 and not dating Michael Cera and I decided I could like her. I mean, I love Zooey Deschanel as much as the next person that likes looking at pretty things, but I think it's cool that an actress/female comedian (comedienne, if you will. Do people still say that? I don't think so) can be the lead in the film without putting the focus on her appearance. And I'm really looking forward to Paper Heart. Alex and H. are probably getting tired of my oft-repeated "Where are the smart, realistic romantic comedies fronted by women?" rant, because it's something I complain about all.the.time. I was kind of thinking that maybe Paper Heart would be that movie. Except then something happened. I read an interview with Charlyne Yi, and she said this:

“I think a lot of girls are very catty and just weird and sassy. I prefer to hang out with guys. I like calm hangouts like playing instruments and talking.”

Oh, no. I think all the ladies know: it's bad news bears when a girl says she "just doesn't get along" with other girls. Or that girls "just don't like her." Or that she thinks guys make better friends. Why the hell would you say you can't be friends with an entire gender, let alone a gender that includes you? Ugh. That whole sentiment just reeks of pretentiousness and that whole "I'm not like OTHER girls" vibe just makes me want to barf. Also, 95% of the time the girls who say this don't have girlfriends because they are MEAN. Sure, Charlyne Yi. Because girls can't have "calm hangouts" or "play instruments" or "talk." Most of my friends right now are ladies, and they aren't catty at all. They are sassy, though. She's right about that.
I've not given up on Charlyne Yi yet. She probably thinks I have, because I'm so catty and all. I'll still watch her movie.

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