Tuesday, March 15, 2011

If Alex Won't Make a Post About Baby Mountain, I Will

The blog seems to have fallen on hard times recently. Alex has been busy with college, and for some reason I've been cooking complicated meals for just myself after I get off work every night. But enough of that. As the sign in the hallway at my office says, "No Excuses."
Last weekend H. and I went to OU for the premiere of Baby Mountain's third episode. 'Epi,' if you will (I won't). Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, we ate at O'Betty's, where we had delicious hot dogs (or soy dogs) and enjoyed the sexy scenery.

I promise I'm not turning this into my photo blog.
As you've no doubt seen on Facebook, Alex recently posted the Baby Mountain intro. As a girl that loves intros, I can honestly say it's one of the best I've ever seen. The only way it could be better is if it had an unnecessarily long montage of Balki coming to America or maybe Peter Scolari playing various sports in short shorts.

Baby Mountain Intro from Baby Mountain on Vimeo.

I am so, so proud beyond words of my little bro. He's doing such amazing, funny work and he never settles for less than his best. Oops, sorry, I think my grandma took hold of my keyboard and wrote that last part.
I am just fine with turning this into a Baby Mountain fan site. I can't wait for everyone to see the rest of this episode's sketches! My favorite involves an original song. It also let me know why Alex asked the question, "How do I make convincing afterbirth?" a few months ago.

1 comment:

Lauren said...


Don't you people know how bored I am at work?

I love how boyishly delighted Hollis appears in the picture. I also love the hoodie strings.

Baby Mountain!

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