Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Winfrey Confessions

I like the Duplass brothers.  Real Talk.  

Look, guys, I'm with you.  I hate mumblecore.  I hate that dumb word, and I really don't like the movies.  I think it's really cool that they have their own little community that supports itself, and I like their insistence that anyone can make a movie, but I just don't like it.  Firstly, I feel like how many of these movies can you actually see?  Secondly, and I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like something that is trying so hard to be sincere and honest ends up seeming like a parody of itself.  (This old thing)  Anyway, I really like the Duplass Bros.  Before, I've just been like, "Yeah.  I liked The Puffy Chair," but I really liked it.  And I've seen Baghead at least twice.  I think the Bros seem like really smart guys who understand acting and filmmaking, but they also have a sense of humor about it, which I think someone like Joe Swanberg is lacking.  What I'm trying to say is, I wish the Du Bros the best of luck in the future and I will always watch their movies.  

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