Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friend or Foe?: Bradley Cooper

H. and I saw The Hangover this weekend. Obviously. And, despite H.'s assertion that it was "good, not great," I am recommending it. Winfrey stamp of approval! Don't believe all those bullshitty things people say about this being a frat boy movie or whatever. Zach Galifianakis is in this movie, so see it. Maybe you and your date will be the only ones in the theatre that laugh at everything he says, but it's okay. But I really want to point out a couple of questions this movie brought up. The first is probably unanswerable: How does Heather Graham stay so young? And the second is this: How do I feel about Bradley Cooper?

He's essentially made a career out of affable douchiness, which is something that I usually hate because I have a hard time separating real-life people from the characters they play. But he does seem charming, doesn't he? And he's been in some great movies. But he's also been in a few too many romantic comedies. Bradley Cooper, you confuse me. I'll probably have to do some more research, but I'll let you know about my findings.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that The Hangover has a few Zach Galifianakis in-jokes (the name Marcus, just to mention one) which should be quite pleasant to discover if you're a fan of his standup!

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