Thursday, October 8, 2009

He Wolf

I read about this in Entertainment Weekly last week (or maybe it was the week before), but didn't get around to watching it until just now. DON'T MAKE MY MISTAKES! I know you've seen Shakira's She Wolf video, so now watch He Wolf.

EW tells me he did this in 3 days and on a 40 dollar budget. Apparently three days and 40 dollars will get you pretty far. In a specific area, I mean. Like if you want to feed all the world's starving children, then no, 40 dollars will not get you too far. But if you want to recreate the best music video of all time, then yes. 40 dollars will buy a lot of crinkly paper to put on your walls.
I'm pretty sure when we first saw She Wolf, Alex mentioned doing this with one of his friends. You snooze/don't spend 40 dollars over a period of three days, you LOSE.

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