Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dr. Dog

I went to two shows this weekend. That's not a normal thing for me. Alex already covered the Sunset Rubdown show, and the only thing he left out was how I was super sleepy and could barely keep my eyes open at the end. I'm old! The other show I went to this weekend was Dr. Dog at the Beachland in Cleveland. The Beachland was very weird, old, and slightly dirty looking, but very nice in its own way. Which is kind of how I feel about Cleveland as a whole.
This was one of the best shows I've ever been to, and I've seen Weird Al in concert so that's saying something! But seriously, I've also seen Dashboard Confessional! BUT FOR REAL. Dr. Dog were phenomenal and, strangely enough, really high energy. If you read anything about them on the internet, you can't escape the Zombies/Beach Boys comparisons, but they have a lot more edge than a straightforward pop band. They're like the most melodic Beatles song and the trippiest Beatles song and the hardest Beatles song all put together. They started out with Worst Trip, which was the best song to start with. It also would've been the best song to end with, and the best song to have in the middle (it's the best song). It took awhile to grow on me for some reason, but I love it now.

They also played a sped-up version of Oh No, which I liked better than the album version, which you can watch here at your own risk.
The crowd was into it and only about 10 percent douchebags. Most of the girls looked like this

and all the guys looked like this

and the lead singer dressed like Andy Capp

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