Sunday, January 18, 2009

Something Really Weird Happened...

which was that Alex and I missed SNL last night. I can't remember the last time that happened (which should tell you a little about my social life AND how much I like comedy, but really the former more than the latter). But it was worth it, because we went to see muthaeffin' Girl Talk.
Alex will have to give his own review of the concert, because his experience was a bit different from mine. This is mainly because H. and I were in the balcony, with all the oldies. Crowd surfing, stage diving---I'm too old for that shit. And after an unfortunate experience at a VHS or Beta show that resulted in me getting elbowed in the face AND having beer spilled in my eye, I have serious doubts about H.'s willingness/ability to keep me out of harm's way. Anyway, it was awesome, there was a lot of dancing, and definitely a lot of douchers. Alex took some pictures, so maybe he'll post them. Photoblog time!

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