Friday, January 23, 2009

Look Sharp!

A big interest of mine (and, obviously, of Alex's as well) is Youtube slideshows. Or montages. Whatever you want to call them. I'm talking, of course, about when people take a lot of pictures of something they're interested in (say, Pam and Jim from the Office) and pair those up with a song they feel matches the emotional quality of the pictures in some way (say, something by Avril Lavigne). I'm so interested in these because the image and sound always seem to be juxtaposed so awkwardly and I'm always left thinking, "What person loved THESE TWO THINGS so much that they felt the need to combine them?" But also, I feel like there isn't much separating me from those Youtube-slideshow makers. I mean, is it really that big a leap between frantically googling David Lynch for, like, three weeks straight and making a Youtube video? Well, yeah, actually. But the point is I feel like the Youtubers and are kindred spirits.
This is all just a lead up to something I found that I knew Alex would appreciate. I was listening to Joe Jackson in my car this morning (like you do) when the song "Look Sharp!" came on. At first it isn't very good--like a cross between Joe Jackson's own "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" and lesser Elvis Costello. But the chorus is pretty amazing, so I wanted to find a video on Youtube to share. Instead I found this:

I want to listen to Joe Jackson, but something is missing. Could it be a crossdressing British comedian? Yes. That's exactly what it is. Thanks, Nickelpic324.

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