Friday, January 23, 2009

Do NOT try to steal that cat's KitKat bar.

I've mentioned the smooth rock radio at work before. It's in the nature of smooth rock radio that you're going to hear a lot of repeated songs--after all, there are only so many inoffensive jams in the world. Something that I hear a lot is the song "Bad Boy" by Miami Sound Machine. When I first heard this, my first thought was, "I need to tell Alex about this song." It is (and this is the nicest way I can put this) a really, really gay sounding song. So then I did us all the favor of looking up the video.

As if a song called "Bad Boy" that sounds like that isn't bad enough, the video is some kind of Cats ripoff. Now we know why Gloria Estefan went solo. Imagine if this video were made today. Just kidding, don't do that, your head will explode. At least this video is sufficiently racy--I'm talking about the cat tail/erection, the copy of Playcat, and of course the implication that all of these cats are alcoholic hobos.
P.S.- This is what my life has come to. Watching videos of Gloria Estefan dancing with cats. My God.

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