Monday, August 16, 2010

Something That Used to Scare Me

If you know me even a little, then you know I have a long, long list of fears, neuroses and anxieties. It's a little comforting to know that even as a child I was irrationally fearful. Take, for example, the one thing that scared me most as a kid (besides tornadoes, fires, rollercoasters and bicycles, that is): the intro to You Can't Do That on Television.

As an adult, I can look at that rationally and see it for what it is: an unashamed Monty Python rip off. But even now just seeing that gives me the nervous jitters. It's a combination of the sickly, washed-out color scheme, the unsettling noises, and the speed of everything. Sometimes at night I would lie awake, just thinking of that guy's terrible face cracking up (I wish I was kidding). When this came on TV, I would run out of the room and go hide in my parents' room behind their bed. Whatever, this is terrifying. Shut your mouth.

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