Friday, January 22, 2010

So excited!

You guys, watch this trailer.

This looks so good! First, and most obviously, John C. Reilly. Say what you will about him. As long as what you say is that he's great. The guy has such great presence, and I always side with someone who is consistently described as "pug faced". Second, Jonah Hill. All I've got to say is, "Damn, Jonah Hill. Your acting's lookin' fine." Third, Marisa Tomei, who seems to have the same reverse aging disease that plagues Heather Graham. Fourth, and most importantly, Duplass Bros! Sure, they have their naysayers. People talk about their shaky camera blah blah blah. Put that in your butts dummies. Both The Puffy Chair and Baghead were really good, and this movie actually looks to be well lit. Let's see what happens!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

You were right, this looks great! And agreed on Marissa Tomei; she's lookin' pretty fly here. This is a Duplass Bros. movie I can actually convince H. to see!

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