Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Herzog on Herzog.

I had just one class today so, like any Winfrey does, I went to the library. Obviously I got this book when I saw it. How could I not? Anyway, I've already found some amazing things. It's such a shame that more people don't know that much about Werner Herzog, because a Werner Herzog reality show sketch would be amazing. Kind of like that Lisa Loeb show where she tried to date people. Except, Werner Herzog would be more concerned about not succumbing to the overwhelming evil of the world. Here is what I learned:
1) He was super not into doing this book. When asked to be interviewed, he faxed back, "I do not do self-scrutiny. I do look into the mirror in order to shave without cutting myself, but I do not know the color of my eyes. I do not want to assist in a book on me."
2) If Werner Herzog created a film school, he would only accept students if they'd walked 5,000 kilometers, and kept a journal of their experiences. He would read the journal and know if they actually walked the distance. He also would have a boxing ring, and required boxing training every night from 8-10. In addition to boxing, he would require classes in juggling, sparring, somersaults (backwards and forwards), and magic card tricks. "Whether or not you would be a filmmaker by the end I do not know, but at least you would come out as an athlete."

And I've only read 16 pages.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

oh my God! I did not know this existed. I need it. If I come into some money (i.e., if Grandma makes a visit and hands me a 20) I'm buying this for myself.

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