Friday, August 7, 2009

Inside My Head

The blog's been a little film-heavy lately. That's probably because we've been watching a lot of movies (insightful!). Things need to be mixed up, and since Alex is leaving tomorrow morning for a backcountry camping adventure with his bros (not literal bros, since that would be Chase, and Chase doesn't 'do' camping, I assume), it's up to me! Have you ever wondered what songs are stuck in my head? Probably not. But I'm going to let you know anyway. Be warned: these are weird. These are the songs I've been thinking about for the past couple weeks. I'm always curious about what songs other people have stuck in their heads, so let me know yours! Isn't it cute how I pretend people read our blog?
First off, a smooth R&B breakup jam:

Then, something by an iconic gay band. I can never get this song out of my head once I hear it.

Listening to All Songs Considered on my way to work sometimes means that I get a non-soft rock song stuck in my head. It's been the Yeah Yeah Yeah's Zero for the past few days.

And my favorite Prince song (besides I Would Die 4 U). I love this song more than I love almost anything in my life. Since Prince usually checks the youtubes for his music and removes it, I expect this song to be up for a few more days at the most. He won't even let people post videos of their friends singing karaoke to "Kiss." He obviously doesn't understand anything about how internet promotion works, but whatever, he doesn't need promotion. He's Prince. He can sell his latest album exclusively at Target and alienate people by giving a possibly-homophobic interview, but he's still Prince.

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