Friday, November 14, 2008

Zombi 3: Electric Boogalee

Alex sent this to me awhile back. It's a trailer for the movie Zombi 3. It's awesome for the following reasons:

1. It's nearly 3 minutes long.
2. It's called Zombi 3.
3. The music.
4. Duh.

I think youtube user lucypunch said it best 7 months ago: "Shitty movie, but still good to watch."


Alex said...

I like that our blog has become a poor man's videogum. I also thought about posting this video earlier. You know what they say. Great minds think about Zombi 3 trailers at the same time.

Kerry said...

I'm assuming the poor man that reads this instead of videogum has no comments to spare (he is internet poor) and that's why no one comments here. I think I'm just going to start quoting emails you've sent me and calling it a blog post.
ALSO,the word verification below is "pewadd."

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