Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Movie Review

So, I am friends with a person on facebook that I do not really know personally. I only know of him. But this kid posts statuses like nobody's business, and they are all solid gold. I've really been meaning to share some of them with you guys, but tonight's (probably 5th) status pushed me over the edge. Here it is. The Lovely Bones reviewed.

"just finished watching lovely bones with the wife and boy does it gets a D + for Dumb. The girl(who died) was stupid for talking to a stranger(weird neighbor who killed her), the mom runs a way(so weak), the little sister took her time to show her parents who killed her sister, the killer got away killing all those girls and dies because an icicle falls down his back then he falls off a cliff and dies?!"

1 comment:

Kerry said...

HAHAHAHA! This made me laugh out loud.

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