Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Happening

The trailer for the remake of Fame, you guys:

It should be pretty clear by now, but just in case it isn't: Winfreys love movies about dancing. Do you even know how many times we've watched the intro to Staying Alive? A lot. I'm not so jazzed about this remake, mostly because 80s dance movies had a certain magic that a 2009 dance movie can't hope to recreate. I think this is primarily due to the fact that all recent dance movies are about hip-hop, and the clothing that these would be hip-hop dancers wear just isn't revealing or embarassing enough.
I don't know why you'd try to remake something that's obviously already perfect.I know this video isn't actually from the movie, but it's awesome.

But the real question remains: will there be a topless crying scene? We can only hope. If the unsexy nudity of this scene doesn't make you uncomfortable, the low-budg style of this clip certainly will! Don't do it, Coco!

1 comment:

Alex said...

You Tube Boobies

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