Thursday, March 19, 2009


I don't have to tell you how much I like this show.  That is why I was apprehensive about checking the imdb boards.  However, they were mostly very nice.  Weird, right?  So then I went over to Adult Swim and read their message board.  Well, I guess it is exactly what I would expect from middle school boys and recent college graduates with The Boondock Saints posters still on their walls.  Here's what they have to say:
"What's worse than reality TV? A show pretending to be a reality show where, get this, they wear masks and are in a police protection program.  The best thing that could happen to this fake reality family is to launch a bullet in each of their heads and end this awful show."
At least we know he understand the concept behind the show.  

"YES.  Please cancel this show.  Let them explore gay relationships on LOGO and leave us our cartoons."

"Another example of a show taking it too far where the theme and point reaches the point of becoming boring.  There is a line and dancing on it is still passing it, furthermore, it's still screaming the "trying too hard" bit."
What? What?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad these people spend so much time watching Adult Swim that they have no chance of ever advancing into any sort of leadership position.  

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