Thursday, March 19, 2009

He's no Kit Mackenzie

This guy is German, and... just watch this video.
Yes, that's blackface.  Don't worry, it's okay.  In the description he says: I am really sorry if I hurt somebody by saying the "N" word. I didnt said that to offend somebody or because I like to say that, I just said it because I want to imitate CJ from GTA.
Also the ash in my face wasnt there to provoke black ppl!
I hope that you understand that I made this just for fun.
And hey do you've noticed the 2pac posters in my room? Lol another proof that I like black ppl! xD


I don't have to tell you how much I like this show.  That is why I was apprehensive about checking the imdb boards.  However, they were mostly very nice.  Weird, right?  So then I went over to Adult Swim and read their message board.  Well, I guess it is exactly what I would expect from middle school boys and recent college graduates with The Boondock Saints posters still on their walls.  Here's what they have to say:
"What's worse than reality TV? A show pretending to be a reality show where, get this, they wear masks and are in a police protection program.  The best thing that could happen to this fake reality family is to launch a bullet in each of their heads and end this awful show."
At least we know he understand the concept behind the show.  

"YES.  Please cancel this show.  Let them explore gay relationships on LOGO and leave us our cartoons."

"Another example of a show taking it too far where the theme and point reaches the point of becoming boring.  There is a line and dancing on it is still passing it, furthermore, it's still screaming the "trying too hard" bit."
What? What?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad these people spend so much time watching Adult Swim that they have no chance of ever advancing into any sort of leadership position.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My life.

This is my coworker every day, right down to the quick-head-jerk-awake part at the end. This is also me past 10 pm.

Uh-oh...I'm startin' to get that feeling again...

It's a good thing no one reads this blog besides Alex and I, because ain't nobody gonna care about this but us. Honestly, I'm not even sure if Alex will care. But buckle up everybody, because it's time for a nostalgia trip!
I'm pretty sure you've forgotten about this. I mean, sure, you remember the fact that some brother of ours used to watch The Bear in the Big Blue House. But did you remember this? And how weird this is?

And, also, this. The moon is so serene. Watching this gives me a heavy 7th grade flashback, a significantly fatter time in both of our lives.

This is for you guys.

Alex is a busy little bee because it's finals week.  It's super annoying because everyone's like, "Oh, I have so much studying to do."  Yeah.  I'm with you.  However, because I'm great I thought I would make this video for all of you.  These are just some quick little study tips.  I filmed this in my dorm room (what do you guys think of the new wallpaper?)  Also, I got braces!  I know, right!?  

Here's a quick recap.
1) Don't eat carrots for three hours.
2) Don't listen to CD players (a dead technology)
3) Don't watch turkey defrost.
4) If you've already done exams, you're a lucky beeyotch.

If I didn't make this post about myself, Kerry would.  

Monday, March 16, 2009

I like this.

The internet has two rules:
1. You use it for porn. 
2. You use it to find random sex partners.  
But guess what.  Rules were made to be broken.  Some people start blogs (What's the point, right?) and other's post recut trailers for Mary Poppins on the youtube.  The Talented Winfrey Family gives this five stars.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, H. and I saw Norm Macdonald this weekend. This was only the second stand up show I've ever been to (the first being Eugene Mirman at Southgate House), and the first time I've ever been to a comedy club. Comedy clubs are weird, guys. You're supposed to eat 9 dollar chicken fingers while you watch comedy. Waiters and waitresses walk around in the dark, while the comedian is doing his or her act, and ask if you would like another rum and coke. It all seems strangely rude. But whatever! Norm Macdonald was hilarious, as I expected. Two things of note:
1. He said he was a Christian and I thought he was being sarcastic. Because I'm a bad person.
2. He made fun of Bill Maher and his dumb movie.
Then I got home and looked for a good clip to put on the blog, and I found this. Norm Macdonald was absolutely nothing like this last night. For one thing, he has found a jacket that doesn't make him look like he's in a Talking Heads video. If you ever get a chance to see him, you should go! But until then, Dave Coulier will be at the comedy club this week to tide you over.

Mandy Moore's new husband

I can tell I have about 1 day before Alex starts getting on my case about not writing any blog posts. Sorry. Mostly all I've been doing lately is listening to this song. If you are Alex, you probably won't like it. Maybe you'll like the part where David Letterman says "Double-ya double-you" at the beginning.

Lookin' good.

I just want to let ya'll know that in May or something the new Lovely Feathers record will come out!  Also, on April 16th Family by Think About Life will come out!  It's so exciting.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Observe and claim that someone stole your idea

So, by this point I'm sure that we have all seen the badass trailer for Observe and Report.  
(Warning Babies: this is the Red-Band Trailer)

Anyway, you may not know this, but Jody Hill totally stole this idea from someone else.  No, I'm not making a lame Paul Blart joke.  I am of course referring to the little seen "Mall Insecurity".  On the youtube page for this video (which always comes up if you search "Observe and Report" on youtube) the description reads: "Observe and Report is a Seth Rogen comedy about the life of a mall security guard. The idea for the film conceived in 2005 by Jordan McCloskey as featured in the Mall Insecurity trailer. It's sad see Hollywood rip off struggling actors working to make an idea come to life on their own creative merit."  
Makes me sick.  Watch the trailer for their much funnier film below.

Sam Rockwell

I think I'm just going to make a series of posts called, "The Dudes."  These will just let you know who I think are cool dudes working in show Biznez.  Sam Rockwell is The Dude.  He's good in literally every movie he's ever been in.  Even Matchstick Men?  Yes, even Matchstick men.  I think he may have delivered one of the greatest performances ever in Snow Angels (I'm not sure why more people didn't see that movie).  Next up, he's going to be in Moon, which looks cool from the few short clips I have seen.  In the meantime, here is a clip from his screen test for Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.  I think you're going to like what you see.  

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm so sorry.

I apologize for two werewolf posts in a row.  You might say I'm really "Lycan" these films.  This is something that I know will make Kerry laugh.  Just watch the trailer.  There are several funny parts ("meat eater, meat eater, meat eater...") but the best part without a doubt is the beginning and ending of the trailer.  I am of course referring to when the narrator states the name of the film, which just happens to be "Wolfen".  When he says it, it sounds a lot more like Wolfin'.  


Somehow, I had never really heard of this movie.  I do have a vague memory of seeing this cover when I was at the video store a lot when I was younger.  Basically I want to know why this movie isn't more talked about.  Here is a list of facts about the film in order of importance to me: 
1. It's about werewolves.
2. It stars Jack Nicholson.
3. It's directed by Mike Nichols?
4. It stars James Spader.
5. It's scored by Ennio Morricone.
Basically this is a (wet) dream team, although the trailer does kind of seem like a digital short.

Banana Artist

I've been trying to eat more bananas, so I take them from the dining hall back into my room.  Somewhere between there and my stomach, they generally get tattooed.  Here is one of Frankenstein's monster that I did today.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jose Saramago

Oh no, did we just get all literary on your asses?  Sorry kids.  That's how we do it here at The Talented Winfrey Family.  Maybe you shouldn't assume so much about people who post videos of boys lighting their farts and old Bob Seger songs all the time.  Anyway, remember when Blindness came out and no one really liked it?  Well, I found this video of Jose Saramago and Fernando Meirelles after the premiere, and wow.  It seems like a scene out of The Godfather or something.  I knew Jose Saramago was old, but I didn't know he was that old.  I also didn't know he seemed so wise.  I think if that guy complimented your film, you would be set for life.  Good luck finding an online translator to accurately tell you what they're saying.  

Jon Glaser

Jon Glaser is the man.  The funny man.  I don't need to tell you that.  Here is a nice video that I found of him promoting Delocated (the best new show besides Eastbound & Down).

Kerry's Boyfriends back in town.

This guy is Kerry's boyfriend.  She broke up with the old one.  This guy's knowledge (and appreciation) of yacht rock is exactly what she's looking for.   Also, she really loves his sunglasses.

I don't agree with Chicago being on this list.  That's all I'm going to say.  

Hey guy.

Mr. David Hayter, screenwriter of Watchmen recently wrote an open letter.  In it he talks about how great Watchmen is, and how everyone misunderstands it and you really need to see it twice to appreciate it, preferably the second weekend after opening.  He says, "If you care about movies that have a brain, or balls, (and this film's got both, literally), or true adaptations --- And if you're thinking of seeing it again anyway, please go back this weekend, Friday and Saturday night."  Wow.  He also compares Watchmen to Apocalypse Now and Kubrick films.  It's too bad I probably won't see this (and definitely not this weekend).  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good News, Lily Tomlin...

You're off the hook (for now).  Guess who just made my shit list.  That's right.  Warner Music Group (WMG).  Why?  Oh, I don't know.  Maybe because they took my video down from the youtube.  I get on youtube, and I see this bullshit "Your video, The Double, may have audio content from Steal Away by Robbie Dupree that is owned or licensed by WMG." This ain't going to end any time soon WMG.  Mark my words.  As a side note, that means someone, somewhere, in some strange position had to watch the video.  I would love to hear what they thought.  

Blast From the Past

I thought you might have forgotten about how awesome this song is. And wouldn't that be a tragedy? I wish this played on the radio at work. Just the Doobies, Beyonce, and this song.

Michael Jackson

You know how some things just make you feel creepy and you don't know why? Like Crispin Glover. There's no way to explain why he's kind of scary. That's how I feel about this song that comes on all the time at work. What made me think of it again was that some guy performed it on American Idol tonight (shut up, Alex). It's by Michael Jackson,which isn't creepy in itself, since I don't find Michael Jackson all that creepy. Whatever, he's just livin' his life! So this is all a really long-winded way of saying that I don't know why this song makes me feel so uncomfortable. Maybe it's because it all feels whispered.

Alex's video

So everyone knows that Alex makes videos. He's always trying to promote them and make sure they get lots of youtube views, which is why it's so weird that this video of his only has 2 views! I mean, sure, he didn't spend as much time on it as he did his other videos (after all, he had to get to dance class), but it's still pretty good. And you learn a lot about him.

Like, he always has his camera with him. Pretty much always. That's something you should know about him. And being stupid is pretty much his specialty.

Monday, March 9, 2009

You got me.

I like this song.  A lot.  I don't know why, because I don't really like any of their other songs.  It's not just because Paul Scheer is in the music video either.  Anyway, here is a really old music video for a really old song.  


I was cruising imdb (doing Mean Girls research for a bet between my roommate and I) and I ended up on Lizzy Caplan's profile.  I found this post of a person insisting that Katy Perry, Lizzy Caplan, Zooey Deschanel, and Emily Blunt could all be related.  To prove their point (kind of?) they morphed all of their faces together here.  They also have individuals here.  This sounds like it would be cooler than it is.  It seems like all this website does is put two pictures on top of each other an lower the opacity.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Depression Cook

This seems like it's the greatest sketch that never made it onto SNL.  Really, it's kind of sad, but if someone else made this it could be funny.  I guess there are a ton of these.  

500 Days of this guy

I think I found my summer look.  Thank you American Apparel.  
*EDIT: The look is called, "Oh, are those my pubes?"

Will Oldham

Hey everyone.  I think that Will Oldham seems like a pretty cool guy.  Not just because he knows Zach Galifianakis or is in a couple movies that I like.  He just seems like he'd be nice and he's got a nice look.  And that's all I have to say about Will Oldham.  Here is his new video.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I saw Annie Hall recently and I told Kerry that I wasn't crazy about it, and she sent me this video.  I guess she thought that I just didn't understand it?  Anyway, this is Kerry's take on the film.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alex's Girlfriend

I found this video titled "Alex's Girlfriend." It's so weird that Alex put this up on youtube. I mean, this is pretty personal footage of him and his girlfriend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is just to say.

Can I just present another side of the 500 Days of Summer debate? Or I guess should I just introduce a new debate? The real question is, will H. like this movie? And the answer is "Der, yes." We're talking about a guy who loved Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist.
But I think Alex's list of reasons to see this movie was missing something. Namely, that the movie has THIS GUY!

This guy rules. As an aside: Have you ever been to his page? He is in a lot of movies/shows about college.
You should know that in the Winfrey house, we have an unwavering belief that the two most beautiful women in the world are Beyonce and Zooey. Maybe this movie would be better with Beyonce, but at least it has 1/2 of the most beautiful women in the world. I don't have any of Alex's cynicism. But I also like the Smiths.

(500) Days of Summer

Uh oh, guys.  I'm conflicted.  First of all, watch the trailer here.  
Okay, sorry I couldn't embed the video or whatever.  Just seriously... shut up Kerry.  Get over it.  

Now, will I see this?  Yes.  There's no question about it, and here's why:
1. You Make My Dreams is in the trailer.  As a rule, I have to see every film that does this.  
2. It has a scene with a bus full of Zooey Deschanels.  
Will these things be enough to forgive that fist scene from the trailer?  I just don't know.  I'ma come out and say it.  I don't like The Smiths.  Also, I don't like the way that scene made me think, "That's kind of like Garden State."  I'm going to make a prediction that Owen Gleiberman will not take kindly to this film.  We'll see what happens. 

Flight of the....wait, what?

It's Flight of the Conchords by someone who didn't learn all the words!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Old Winfrey Favorite

It goes without saying that we love this video here at The Talented Winfrey Family.  I heard that Kerry likes the UK Office more because it's more subtle.  I guess just ask her about it.

More of the same

Reading David Lynch's twitter has already paid off! Because he posted a link to this.

Seriously, just the thought of David Lynch updating his twitter page was enough to keep me going today. Maybe eventually I'll post about something else. But probably not. I can only hope that when Alex completes his first feature film he will make a thank you video that is exactly like this. Make it so!


That's what iTunes calls this self-titled album by the band Starfucker.  If I were younger, this would be the kind of band that I would be afraid to listen to because just the name has obscenity in it.  However, it's the least offensive music around.  I've been listening to Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second a lot lately.  They also have a good cover of Girls Just Want to Have Fun.  Here's the video for Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why not?

This video perfectly illustrates the rules of public speaking: tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them. From start to finish, from fat baby to creepy big man, we know exactly what we're watching. The World's Biggest Things.

Because two Lynch posts in one day isn't enough

We all know about Jennifer Lynch's FIRST movie. But did you know she has another one? I didn't! But ever since I found out that Alex hasn't been keeping me up to date on Lynch news, I've been doing several-months-of-unemployment levels of research. I don't have to tell you what parts of this trailer seem very Lynchian, but can I just say Bill Pullman? Sometimes it must rule to have David Lynch be your dad. One of those times is when he can executive produce your weird movie.

My birthday is in May...

...which gives you plenty of time to save up enough money to buy this for me. I'm not necessarily referring to Alex. Just anyone who might be reading this and who wants to buy me a present. There's a MYSTERY DISC.

Also, why did David Lynch hire a Michael Cera dress alike to play the guitar?

Paula Deen. Minus pants.

On Friday I went home for Winfrey Family Pizza Night, and Mom said a combination of words I never thought I'd hear: "Did you see that video where Paula Deen's pants fell down?" I assumed she'd just been spending a lot of time on the Paula Deen official website, as she's wont to do, but I guess everyone knew about this but me? I don't know how these things slip under my radar. Anyway, there were a few versions of this video I could've posted, but I chose the one that does the repeat slow-motion. Because I know that's what you're into.

Paula Deen's pants fell down, guys. And you watched it.

That is me on the twitter page.

I found something amazing. David Lynch has a twitter page.
And in case you were thinking, "I know it SAYS David Lynch, but is it really David Lynch?" Well, he answers that for you on youtube.

As you will see, his twitter is mostly well wishings and weather reports. And a lot of meditation stuff, like: "Thought of the Day: We are like the spider. We weave our life & move along it. We are like the dreamer who dreams & then lives in the dream." You know, kind of exactly what you would expect.

Panda Bear!

So there is apparently a very large demand for videos of pandas falling off of things.  Just type panda+fall into youtube, and you've got a day's worth of entertainment.  This video is great because it is a real life cartoon.  From the first few seconds, you know exactly what is going to happen.  They should show this clip in film schools.  You can almost see the panda gulp.

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